There and Backs Again: A Rio Story


After being back in the states for a week I’ve had some time to process the amazing opportunity I had of going to Brazil and learning an experiencing what i did. This was my first time to be on another continent besides North America. We got access to and learned from people and experiences that the regular traveler wouldn’t have been able to experience. Spending time in Brazil broadened my perspectives and gave me insight into how others in the world work, live and enjoy life. I feel like this was the most I’ve learned in a three week period. From the culture, the businesses, the language and the people just to name a few. I loved Brazil! It was a place of such diversity and beauty.


Urban hiking in Santa Teresa is pictured above. This is one of my favorite places in Rio. You won’t find it in any tourist brochures but nestled in the mountains that surround Rio is this neighborhood. Walking through you see the beautiful architecture and the breathtaking views. It’s a place where community is still a value. They have little squares where families come and play and fellowship with each other. The food is delicious and the beer is good. It’s a simple yet beautiful neighborhood that has so much character and life.


Above is one of my favorite views of Rio. Not because its the most breathtaking or grand but because its what I passed everyday. Every time I walked out of my apartment I saw this, it was my home base. It is where from I explored Rio and Brazil. The Favelas in the background and the contrast to the busy and modern streets of Aproarador are intriguing. This is the neighborhood we lived in that was in between two of the most famous beaches in the world. I couldn’t have asked for a better location to have stayed.

Rio 2

In the end I will always remember the experiences  I had and the people I met. I feel fortunate to have been able to study and learn in another country like Brazil. It was something that I will never forget. I hope to one day be back in Brazil, hopefully more fluent in Portuguese, so that I can continue to learn about this amazing country and visit the friends I made.

Tchau Rio,

Ryan E. Backs


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